Liste des Distributeurs Canadiens

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OSC Seeds

P.O. Box 7, Waterloo ON N2J 3Z6
Telephone: 519-886-0557
Fax: 519-886-0605
[email protected]

BrettYoung Professional Turf Products

Head Office – Winnipeg, MB

Box 99 St. Norbert Postal Station, Winnipeg, MB R3V 1L5
T: 204-261-7932, TF: 800-665-5015m
F: 204-275-7333, F: 877-733-3669 (order desk)
Physical Location: SW Corner of Hwy 100 and Hwy 330, Winnipeg, MB

Delta, BC

1111 Cliveden Ave, Delta,BC, V3M 6G9

Calmar/Leduc, AB

RR #4, Hwy 60 & Hwy 39, 49469 Rge Rd 263, Calmar, AB T0C 0V0
T: 780-985-7300, TF: 800-359-5503, F: 780-985-8580
Physical Location: SE Corner of Hwy 60 at Hwy 39, 49469 Rge Rd 263, Calmar, AB

Rycroft, AB

Box 100, Rycroft, AB T0H 3A0
T: 780-765-3069, TF: 800-661-1289, F: 780-765-3960
Physical Location: 1 mile east of Hwy 2 and Hwy 49, Rycroft, AB

Saskatoon, SK

117 Wakooma Street, Saskatoon, SK S7R 1A7
T: 306-668-4867, TF: 888-476-9832, F: 306-668-4553
Physical Location: 117 Wakooma Street, Saskatoon, SK


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